
All resources come from trusted sources id amet neque non tincidunt id tellus ultrices et. Odio mattis sollicitudin hendrerit nam faucibus.

Supplemental Training Materials: Student Handouts 6th Edition

Individual handouts (posters, Health & Safety Notes, forms, etc.) from the Preventive Health...

Safe Infant Sleeping Environment

Child in crib with nothing but a sheet
Reducing the Risk of SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths The following steps, recommended by...

Safe Sleep Policy for Infants in Child Care

Policy outlining how child care provider will provide a safe sleep environment for infant
All child care providers at [program name] will follow safe sleep recommendations for infants to...

Sample Infant Sleep Observation Form

This form can be used to document that a provider has checked on a sleeping infant every 15 minutes...
